Empowering your contact relations.

Bijou CRM brings all your contact interactions into one seamless hub – empowering connections, simplifying processes.

Useful Features

Everything you need to enhance your contact relationships

Bijou CRM combines real-time communication, seamless integration, and intelligent automation to transform your business operations.

AI-Powered Assistant

Automate communication with our AI assistant, capable of handling inquiries, scheduling appointments, and providing instant responses, 24/7.

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Unified Contact Information

Keep all your contact data—files, messages, appointments, and cases—in one secure, easily accessible location.

Instant Communication Channels

Utilize integrated communication to connect with contacts on their preferred platforms.

Case Management

Organize and track every contact interaction and status update with our case management tools to enhance follow-ups and resolution.


Enhance your team's efficiency and contact service with our comprehensive Wiki. This easily searchable repository provides immediate access to essential information, helping to resolve queries and support issues swiftly.

Comprehensive File Storage

Securely store and manage all types of documents and files associated with each contact, ensuring data is always at your fingertips.

Data Control & Security

Maximize control over your data with robust security features designed to keep your information secure and within reach at all times.

AI-Powered Assistant

Our AI-powered digital assistant is a comprehensive solution designed to enhance small business operations through seamless integration with major communication channels including Telegram, WhatsApp, and now, a chat widget embedded directly on the client's website.

Information Support

The assistant can provide detailed information about your company, its employees, and services offered, improving brand perception and contact awareness.

Call Me

The assistant can gather and store user information for future contact, ensuring seamless follow-ups and enhanced user engagement.

Appointment Handling

Enables clients to easily schedule appointments, streamlining interactions with your business.

Wiki Integration

Connects to a local Wiki, allowing the assistant to provide useful articles, FAQs, and information on common issues, facilitating easy access to crucial information.

Website Content Integration

The assistant can automatically index and search your existing public website to access and leverage content. This enables the AI to answer contact queries using the most relevant and up-to-date information available on your site, enhancing the contact support experience.

Contact Management

Keep all your contact data—files, messages, appointments, cases in one secure, easily accessible location.

Comprehensive Contact Profiles

View the complete history of interactions with each contact in one place. Customize fields and access contact chat history with powerful search tools.

Appointments & Cases

Manage appointments and cases all in one place. Streamline scheduling, track case progress, and organize daily tasks efficiently, ensuring nothing is overlooked and everything runs smoothly.

Efficient Contact Data Handling

Manage contact data with ease using features like blacklist support, duplicate detection, and merge or split operations to maintain a clean and accurate database.

Instant Communication Channels

Utilize integrated communication to connect with clients on their preferred platforms.

Seamless Telegram Integration

Communicate directly with clients via Telegram, supporting file and audio message transfers for comprehensive and versatile interaction.

Web Chat

Enhance your website's contact engagement with an embedded web chat feature, allowing file transfers and real-time communication.

Browser-Based Call Center

Manage incoming and outgoing calls directly from your browser, integrating seamlessly into your daily workflow without the need for additional software.

Case Management

Organize and track every contact interaction and status update with our case management tools to enhance follow-ups and resolution.

Customizable Case Processess

Define and manage your own case processes tailored to your business needs. Customize fields, set access permissions, and track progress with custom statuses. Leave comments and attach files for comprehensive case documentation.

Flexible Viewing Options

Switch seamlessly between list and board views to manage your cases the way you find most effective. Whether you prefer a traditional list or a Kanban board, you have the flexibility to monitor and manage your workflows efficiently.

Diverse Case Applications

Adapt the platform to various business scenarios such as tax declaration preparation for accountants, product sales for small craft shops, or legal proceedings for law firms. Customize each case type to suit specific industry requirements.


Enhance your team's efficiency and contact service with our comprehensive Wiki. This easily searchable repository provides immediate access to essential information, helping to resolve queries and support issues swiftly.

Flexible Wiki Access

Create and manage Wiki pages that can be internal for staff use or public for contact access. Easily share knowledge externally by sending links to contacts, enhancing transparency and support.

Customizable Access Controls

Configure access permissions for internal Wiki pages to ensure sensitive information remains secure while still promoting knowledge sharing among your team.

AI Integration for Enhanced Support

Our AI Assistant leverages the Wiki to provide accurate and contextual answers to user inquiries, improving response times and reducing workload on your staff.

Comprehensive File Storage

Securely store and manage all types of documents and files associated with each contact, ensuring data is always at your fingertips.

Secure and Organized File Storage

Manage all your files in one place with options to categorize and tag for easy retrieval. Ensure security with comprehensive access controls that allow you to set who can view or edit each file.

Dual Privacy Settings

Customize file visibility with dual privacy settings—create files that are accessible internally or available to contacts, enhancing flexibility in how information is shared and accessed.

Seamless Integration with CRM

Integrate file storage directly with other CRM functionalities, ensuring that all client-related files are linked to their respective profiles for quick access during interactions or case management.

Data Control & Security

Maximize control over your data with robust security features designed to keep your information secure and within reach at all times.

On-Premise Software Deployment

Host our CRM solution on your own servers to maintain complete control over your data and its security. This option is perfect for businesses with strict regulatory requirements or those who prefer direct oversight of their data infrastructure.

Direct Database Access

Exercise full control over your data with options to directly export your database to local systems or secure cloud services like Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure. This flexibility allows you to manage backups and ensure data availability on your terms.

Secure Contact Sync

Enhance data accessibility without compromising security with one-way synchronization of contact information to Google Contacts. This feature ensures your critical data is always current and accessible while maintaining privacy and control.

Pricing plans


The Shared Plan hosts your workspace on a server alongside other users' accounts. This setup allows for cost efficiency as resources such as CPU, memory, and disk storage are shared among all users. While this plan offers the affordability and ease of maintenance provided by a managed server environment, it is best suited for small to medium-sized businesses with moderate usage and performance needs.


The Dedicated Plan provides your workspace with its own dedicated server. This ensures that all server resources, including CPU, memory, and storage, are exclusively available to your account, resulting in enhanced performance, reliability, and security. This plan is ideal for larger organizations or those with high usage demands, as it offers the flexibility to scale resources according to your specific requirements and ensures optimal performance without the potential interference from other users.


The On-Premise Plan allows you to deploy the workspace on your own infrastructure. This means that the workspace software will be installed and run on your company's servers, providing you with full control over the environment. This plan is perfect for businesses that require the highest level of security, customization, and compliance with internal policies or regulatory requirements. While this option involves more initial setup and ongoing maintenance, it offers unparalleled control and flexibility tailored to your specific business needs.
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